Keywords: risks, risk management, resource support, banking institutions, bank capital, stress testing, NBU discount rate


The issues of resource support of banking institutions in the context of the influence of factors of the modern risk environment were researched in the article. The essence of banking resources and approaches to their definition were considered. The role of the banks' resource policy was analyzed, taking into account the challenges posed by the russian invasion to reduce the risks of resource support of their activities. The necessity of improving the risk management system of banks to identify the types, factors, sources of risks and timely implementation of measures to prevent the occurrence of risk situations or reduce the negative consequences of their occurrence was substantiated. Conclusions were provided about the effectiveness of the NBU's measures to clean up the banking system from financially troubled banks and banks with a high level of reputational risk. Trends characteristic of the main components of banking resources for the period 2019-2023 are identified: equity, borrowed funds of business entities, individuals and non-bank financial institutions. The consequences of lowering the NBU discount rate, the impact of possible policies of banking institutions to reduce deposit rates on the tolerance of depositors were analyzed. The emphasis was made on the need for the NBU to apply incentives to banks to ensure that they adhere to the policy of attracting individuals' funds for term deposits, reducing the amount of funds held on current accounts. The article considers forecasts for further reduction of the NBU discount rate, taking into account the continuation of the processes of reducing inflation and ensuring a stable state of the foreign exchange market. The expediency of the NBU's policy was assessed on the basis of forecasts of reducing the impact of security risks starting in mid-2024, and the possibility of risks that could lead to a deterioration in the situation, including problems with international assistance; lack of energy resources, which will lead to instability in the foreign exchange market; terrorist actions that could affect the economic situation in the country. Conclusions were made on the need for further actions by the NBU to improve approaches to risk management, monitor the level of stability of banks and the banking system, and bring regulatory requirements in compliance with EU legislation.


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How to Cite
Gavrilko, T., & Mantach, A. (2023). RISKS OF RESOURCE SUPPORT FOR BANKING INSTITUTIONS. Economy and Society, (53). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2023-53-42