Given the intensive spread of globalization trends in the digitization of fiscal space, it is important to study the impact of digital technologies on the efficiency of tax administration. Therefore, the object of the article is to analyse tax revenues and determine the impact of digital technologies on the tax revenues efficiency. The following methods were used in the research process: analysis, synthesis, and coefficient, comparative, graphical methods. The article analyses the amount of tax revenues and total revenues of the State Budget of Ukraine, and identifies the share of tax revenues in the revenue structure, which indicates a decrease in fiscal efficiency of taxes, as the share of tax revenues decreases at the end of the researched period. In addition, the analysis of fiscal efficiency is presented by studying the dynamics and structure of direct and indirect taxes, which shows positive trends in the expansion of reproduction processes in the manufacturing sector, as the growth rate of direct taxes exceeds the growth rate of indirect ones. In the structure of tax revenues we observe a decrease in the share of indirect taxes. A study of economic efficiency consists in the calculation and indicators effectiveness analysis, including the tax revenues elasticity. The results of the calculation point on fluctuations in the obtained values, as we observe a decrease in both indicators in 2019 and growth in 2020, which indicates an irrational structure of the tax burden, the unfoundedness of the country's tax policy and its regulatory impact. In addition, the economic processes are negatively affected by variable fluctuations in the level of elasticity of tax payments, caused by the excess of the growth rate of the State budget expenditures on GDP compared to the growth rate of tax revenues. In conclusion, we defined, that despite the globalization trends of fiscal digitalization, the impact of digital technologies is at an early stage in Ukraine is evidenced by ambiguous trends in tax efficiency and the results of the analysis. The practical value of the article is to identify the main trends towards the effectiveness of tax administration and identify low rates of digitalization of the fiscal system.
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