Keywords: property, property relations, property right, types of property, forms of ownership


The article considers property relations in the context of their place and role in the economic system. Property is defined as the core of the economic system that directly affects the processes in the market economy of Ukraine. It is noted that property relations arise as a result of relations between people, groups of people, the state, etc. regarding the appropriation of property and, above all, the means of production and its results. The so-called triad of property which is defined by three basic legalities - possession, use and the order is covered. The essence of the concept of "property" from the economic and legal point of view is described. It is noted that the legal aspect of ownership is realized through the right of ownership. The differences between them and the close interaction and interconnectedness are emphasized. Property is defined as a complex and multifaceted category that expresses the whole set of social relations - economic, social, legal, political, national, moral and ethical, religious, and so on. The main types and forms of ownership in the economy of Ukraine are described. It is noted that today in Ukraine there are significant changes in property relations, and for the stability of the economic system of society must be present all types, types and forms of ownership. It is highlighted that property in Ukraine comes in the following forms: state, private, individual, collective, intellectual, mixed. Forms of ownership are equal and the state creates equal conditions for their development and protection. It is noted that property develops under the influence of the laws of the general civilization process. It is noted that the role of information and intellectual property is growing today. Knowledge becomes the main source of economic development. It is highlighted that information as a carrier of knowledge becomes the object of purchase and sale and in countries the competition for private possession of information intensifies. Intelligence, knowledge and creative potential of man must now become the determining factors in the development of Ukrainian society, and the state must support and protect intellectual property.


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Hryhoruk, A., & Lytvyn, L. (2021). OWNERSHIP RELATIONS IN UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (25). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2021-25-39