This article summarizes the theoretical foundations of defining social communication. The main goal of the research is to identify the characteristic features and conceptual foundations of social communication. The relevance of the study is determined by the constantly growing need to use new means of communication for the purpose of spreading information in the presence of remote employment, globalization shifts, economic and political upheavals. The study of the theoretical foundations of the concept of social communication is carried out on the basis of the identification of theoretical constructions, levels, functions and means of communication. Historical and logical methods, graphic methods, methods of analysis and synthesis became the methodological tools of the conducted research – to form the basic foundations of social communication. The object of the research is the peculiarities, means and instruments of social communication. It was determined that communication is the central element of the communication process. Communication is carried out using a system of symbols, that is, words and sounds. It is noted that the most important elements of the communication process include: context, participants, announcements, transmission channel, noise and feedback. Attention is also focused on the fact that the purpose of social communication is the formation, modification or change of knowledge, attitudes and behavior in accordance with the interests and values of interacting senders and receivers. And the element without which the process of social communication would not take place are the participants who act as sender and receiver. It was determined that effective social communication is a series of connected elements, thanks to which this process is used to obtain knowledge about the surrounding world, allows you to learn the thoughts and feelings of other people, and interpret the received information. It was determined that social communication can occur on five main levels. The factor that imposes such a division is the number of recipients to whom the message is addressed and the method of its broadcast. The results of the conducted research can be useful for building intra-personal and interpersonal communication.
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