регіональний розвитокThe article defines that science, education and business, ensuring the acquisition, distribution and use of knowledge, merge in a single process of reproduction. Therefore, the development of innovations depends on the accumulation of distributed knowledge, that is, on various forms of cooperation between enterprises, scientific and educational institutions, authorities and, most often, consumers. It is at the regional level that diversification of the economy most often takes place, structural changes begin, new competencies are formed, new technological trajectories are mastered, and new specialization is born, which is objectively necessary in the knowledge economy. This is based on the redistribution of resources across the country. The development of regions becomes an important prerequisite for achieving and maintaining the stability of the national economy, as well as strengthening the domestic market. Regional features and determinants influencing innovation and determining regional features in the creation of innovation systems are defined. It has been confirmed that the main goals of the formation of innovative systems are aimed at improving the quality of economic growth and development, the level of competitiveness, national security and the well-being of the population. A wide range of tasks facing regional innovation systems for the development of the educational sphere is outlined, and measures to achieve them are developed. The knowledge base, which is concentrated and used by the regional innovation system, is considered. The components of the structure of the regional innovation system, which serves as the basis for drawing up models of the system's functioning (for example, functional, organizational, resource, process, result), are detailed. Institutions in the regional innovation system are important for: reducing transaction costs and exchange costs; reducing the level of risk and uncertainty; facilitation of coordination and interaction of subjects; activity regulation; e) protection of rights of subjects. It has been confirmed that the regional innovation system (like any innovation system) is based on the institutes of science, education, entrepreneurship, and intellectual property. In addition to formal institutions, informal, especially regulatory, competitive, partnership, and exchange interactions are important. It is justified that it is necessary to pay attention to the mixed nature of the institutions of the regional innovation system and to consider them as a "matrix" that defines the framework of innovative activity in the region.
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