Keywords: рotential of a higher education institution, internal and external factors of potential formation, integration into the European educational and research area, military aggression by the Russian Federation


The relevance of the topic of the article is determined by the leading role of education as a sphere intended to create the basis for the development of the nation on an innovative basis, taking into account the needs of both the country as a whole and each individual. An analysis of current trends in the development of Ukraine's educational system has shown that the educational space is no exception to the set of areas which are influenced by globalization and integration processes. The purpose of the article is to define the essence and study the peculiarities of capacity building of Ukrainian higher education institutions in the context of the Russian Federation's full-scale war against Ukraine, to analyze and systematize the conditions and factors of the external environment which have undergone significant changes in recent years as a result of aggravation of global and national problems. In writing the article, the general scientific and special methods of studying processes and phenomena in their interconnection and development were used to solve the scientific tasks, namely: dialectical, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, structural, logical and semantic analysis; comparative and statistical and economic analysis; graphical method and systematic analysis. Based on the results of the analysis of scientific works, it is established that the potential of a higher education institution is a characteristic of the ability of a higher education institution to attract, integrate, reconfigure all the necessary resources in accordance with changes in the external environment so that the synergistic effect of this ensures the achievement of strategic goals formalized in key performance indicators. The scientific approaches to understanding the essence of "potential" are systematized, considering a higher education institution as a complex socio-economic system. It is concluded that it is advisable to use the targeted approach as a priority in the research process. The practical value is represented by: an algorithm for assessing the potential of higher education institutions based on the systematization of factors by their place of origin and degree of usefulness; a system of factors for building the potential of higher education institutions of Ukraine in the context of war with the allocation of internal conditions for building the potential of higher education institutions and environmental factors. The advantages and possibilities of Ukraine's integration into the European educational and research area are considered. The key aspects of state regulation in terms of its impact on the formation and preservation of the potential of higher education institutions of Ukraine are determined.


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