The purpose of the article is to reveal the conceptual provisions of human capital management of business communities in the conditions of the knowledge economy. Based on this goal, the following tasks arise when writing the article: to outline the main tasks of the creation and functioning of business communities, to define the essence of a business community, to provide a classification of business communities, to consider the essence and structure of intellectual capital, to determine the essence and features of human capital, to analyze the main characteristics of the knowledge economy and the digital economy. The fact that the issue of human capital management of business communities in the conditions of the knowledge economy has received almost no attention in modern scientific literature makes the research timely and relevant. The methodological basis of the research described in the article are the following methods: analysis and synthesis, statistical, economic and comparative analysis, optimization. These and other methods of scientific research were used in their relationship. The article reveals the essence of the state of the modern world economy, which stands on the threshold of a new qualitative development, the foundations of which are the knowledge economy. The authors determined that knowledge is put forward as the main economic resource in new conditions, and its source is human capital. The article notes that by its very nature, the economy of the nobility contributes to the general decentralization and liberalization of economic relations, therefore, business communities act as incubators for the development of human capital in the business environment. The authors classified business communities, determined their main tasks and features of human capital formation in new conditions. The author's definition of the definitions of “human capital”, “knowledge economy” and “business community” is given in the article, further research directions of the topic are defined, which consist in the development of criteria for the effectiveness of human capital and tools for state stimulation of its development.
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