Keywords: conceptual approach, financial diagnostics, enterprise activity, methods of financial diagnostics, financial diagnostic procedures


The article substantiates the need to apply a systematic approach to the formation of an effective financial diagnostics of enterprise activities, which allows to organize tactical and strategic financial problems in order to structure them, identify interrelations and identify factors that influence their solution. It is proved that the systemic financial diagnostics of enterprise activity envisages, on the one hand, diagnostics of the existing financial status of enterprise, and on the other hand, creation of an adjusted management system on the basis of financial diagnostics to achieve the set goals of enterprise. Formation of an effective system of financial diagnostics of enterprise activity on the basis of the principles proposed by the author forms it as a system of economic views of proactive management from the standpoint of the main directions, management cycle and functional subsystems. The author proposes a conceptual approach to formation of an effective system of financial diagnostics of enterprise activity, which synthesises the goal, tasks, principles, methods and procedures of financial diagnostics. The main goal of the financial diagnostics system is to increase the efficiency of managing the financial activities of the enterprise by comprehensively identifying financial problems based on their structuring and ordering, as well as choosing the optimal solution to problems and predicting the possibility of their appearance when developing measures aimed at preventing relevant problems in the future functioning of the enterprise. The methods of financial diagnostics, defined within the framework of the conceptual approach, provide a comprehensive identification of problems of management of financial activity of an enterprise for making sound management decisions to reduce the degree of their negative impact. The synthesis of the defined procedures of financial diagnostics allows to fully realise the goals and objectives of financial diagnostics, thereby ensuring the efficiency of the process of managing the financial activity of enterprise in an unstable economic environment. Implementation of the proposed conceptual approach will contribute to optimisation of financial processes at an enterprise, formation of an effective structure of the system of management of financial activity of an enterprise and ensure increase of speed and quality of managerial decision-making.


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How to Cite
Dmytrenko, D. (2023). A CONCEPTUAL APPROACH TO THE FORMATION OF AN EFFECTIVE SYSTEM OF FINANCIAL DIAGNOSTICS OF AN ENTERPRISE. Economy and Society, (52). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2023-52-44