This article provides a definition of the innovative background of enterprises and describes its distinctive features and main components. According to the results of the study, it is established that the innovation background, as an economic category, is currently being formed. As a phenomenon, it does not appear at the same time and is the result of the functioning of the innovation ecosystem. The innovation background is proposed to be understood as the innovative environment of the enterprise, which expressively distinguishes it as a result of the development of the innovation ecosystem. The analysis of entrepreneurial, investment, financial, social, scientific and educational potential in the context of a slowdown in economic growth and the development of an innovation ecosystem, in particular, of the employed population in the areas of innovation (education, information, telecommunications, professional, scientific and technical activities), has been carried out, the level of the indicator of GRP and GRP per capita, the number of Internet subscribers, the balance of foreign trade in goods and services, the level of profitability of large, medium and small enterprises. It has been established that the entrepreneurial and scientific and educational potential of the majority of enterprises in the regions is approaching compliance with the principles of the post-industrial economy and is developing on the basis of transforming knowledge, science and informatization into a direct productive force. The article proves that the information background is formed in accordance with the conditions of territorial development, it is characterized by the permanent nature of a sensitive socio-economic system (organism). Organizationally, it covers individual, group, business, industry, regional, mega-, meta- and other environments. The key metric for it is the level of development of the innovation ecosystem.
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