One of the most severe consequences for the Ukrainian economy during the Ukrainian-Russian war is the results of massive attacks on the energy system by Russian forces, so the study of the state of this sector after the criminal attacks carried out by Russian terrorists and the measures taken by the Ukrainian government to counteract the consequences of the damage is an important and urgent task. Russian attacks on Ukraine's electricity system have resulted in a significant reduction in electricity use by at least 50%. The enemy forces seized a certain part of the enterprises that produced electricity, and a large part of the power generating capacities were destroyed. Most coal-fired combined heat and power plants (CHP) and thermal power plants (TPP) were shut down because many coal-fired enterprises were in the territory under occupation. All these circumstances have a destructive impact on the Ukrainian economy, leading to a decline in gross domestic product and an increase in poverty among the Ukrainian population. Ukraine is facing problems not only in ensuring national security in the context of the war with Russia, but also in its ability to ensure the stable operation of the electricity sector in the face of military aggression. The interests of the state, business, and every citizen intersect in the energy sector. Its highly sensitive social component makes it the focus of attention not only for government officials managing the economy, but also for the President of Ukraine, who in his oath of office pledged to “take care of the good of the Fatherland and the welfare of the Ukrainian people.” Restoring justice to the millions of Ukrainians who have suffered from Russia's unjustified and extremely brutal invasion is a matter of principle for the Ukrainian government and public. Every day that is lost means additional destruction and suffering for Ukrainians at the hands of the invaders. Russia, its criminal government and citizens must be held accountable for their crimes against Ukrainians. This can be achieved through close cooperation with our Western partners, as well as a consistent policy of collecting compensation from the aggressor. Countries that were in similar situations spent decades collecting evidence and going to court. For Ukraine, this process may take only a few years.
У Міненерго розказали, які ТЕЦ постраждали через війну в Україні. URL: https://www.unian.ua/economics/energetics/robota-tec-v-ukrajini-yaki-tec-postrazhdali-cherez-viynu-v-ukrajini-novini-sogodni-11763043.html (дата звернення: 07.07.2023).
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Збитки енергетики сягають $11 млрд: у Міненерго розповіли про підготовку до опалювального сезону. URL: https://podrobnosti.ua/2476606-zbitki-energetiki-sjagajut-11-mlrd-u-mnenergo-rozpovli-pro-pdgotovku-do-opaljuvalnogo-seznu-vdeo.html(дата звернення: 07.07.2023).
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Україна почала експорт електроенергії по лінії, яка не працювала 30 років. URL: https://www.unian.ua/economics/energetics/eksport-elektroenergiji-traven-2023-ukrajina-pochala-eksport-elektriki-do-polshchi-12257442.html
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Росіяни пошкодили близько 40% енергетичної інфраструктури України – Зеленський. URL: https://www.ukrinform.ua/rubric-economy/3605632-rosiani-poskodili-blizko-40-energeticnoi-infrastrukturi-ukraini-zelenskij.html(дата звернення: 07.07.2023).
Країни G7 домовилися про енергетичний «Рамштайн» для України – Блінкен. URL: https://zn.ua/ukr/POLITICS/krajini-g7-domovilisja-pro-enerhetichnij-ramshtajn-dlja-ukrajini-blinken.html(дата звернення: 07.07.2023).
Напередодні наша країна отримала 700 генераторів від донорів. URL: https://zn.ua/ukr/UKRAINE/derzhavi-jes-sprjamuvali-v-ukrajinu-500-elektroheneratoriv.html (дата звернення: 07.07.2023).
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U Minenergo rozkazali, yaki TEC postrazhdali cherez vijnu v Ukrayini [The Ministry of Energy told which CHP plants were damaged by the war in Ukraine]. Available at: https://www.unian.ua/economics/energetics/robota-tec-v-ukrajini-yaki-tec-postrazhdali-cherez-viynu-v-ukrajini-novini-sogodni-11763043.html (аccessed: 07.07.2023).
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Zbitki energetiki syagayut $11 mlrd: u Minenergo rozpovili pro pidgotovku do opalyuvalnogo sezonu [Energy losses reach $11 billion: the Ministry of Energy talked about preparations for the heating season]. Available at: https://podrobnosti.ua/2476606-zbitki-energetiki-sjagajut-11-mlrd-u-mnenergo-rozpovli-pro-pdgotovku-do-opaljuvalnogo-seznu-vdeo.html (аccessed: 07.07.2023).
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Ukrayina pochala eksport elektroenergiyi po liniyi, yaka ne pracyuvala 30 rokiv [Ukraine started exporting electricity through a line that had not worked for 30 years]. Available at: https://www.unian.ua/economics/energetics/eksport-elektroenergiji-traven-2023-ukrajina-pochala-eksport-elektriki-do-polshchi-12257442.html
Zbilshiti masshtabi pidtrimki: u Kiyevi z vizitom perebuvaye komisar YeS z pitan energetiki [Increase the scale of support: the EU energy commissioner is visiting Kyiv]. Available at: https://fakty.com.ua/ua/ukraine/polituka/20221101-zbilshyty-masshtaby-pidtrymky-u-kyyevi-z-vizytom-perebuvaye-komisar-yes-z-pytan-energetyky/ (аccessed: 07.07.2023).
Rosiyani poshkodili blizko 40% energetichnoyi infrastrukturi Ukrayini – Zelenskij [The Russians damaged about 40% of Ukraine's energy infrastructure - Zelenskyi]. Available at: https://www.ukrinform.ua/rubric-economy/3605632-rosiani-poskodili-blizko-40-energeticnoi-infrastrukturi-ukraini-zelenskij.html (аccessed: 07.07.2023).
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Naperedodni nasha krayina otrimala 700 generatoriv vid donoriv [The day before, our country received 700 generators from donors]. Available at: https://zn.ua/ukr/UKRAINE/derzhavi-jes-sprjamuvali-v-ukrajinu-500-elektroheneratoriv.html (аccessed: 07.07.2023).
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