Keywords: financial instruments, construction financing, construction investment attractiveness, construction financing funds, real estate funds, mutual investment institutions


In modern conditions, construction is becoming increasingly important – the population is growing, and with it the demand for housing, cities are developing, there is a need for new infrastructure projects. All these factors contribute to the increasing role of construction in economic development. However, there are a number of obstacles for construction market participants to increase the volume of construction and its quality. One of them is to attract significant amounts of funding for the implementation of large construction and infrastructure projects. Solving the problem of construction financing will allow to build better and more effective strategies for raising funds for construction. The article is devoted to the definition of the main methods and mechanisms of construction financing, analysis of the construction industry of Ukraine and its financing, identification of the main problems of construction financing at this stage. The article identifies the main problems of financing construction in Ukraine, such as: low level of effective demand among the population for real estate due to unsatisfactory income. Ways to solve the problems of financing construction are proposed, among them: the general increase in the level of income of the population, the development of mortgage lending, the introduction and support of state programs to provide housing. These measures can contribute to the growth of effective demand among the population, and hence the growth of construction financing. Proposed measures to improve investment in construction: reduction of taxes on construction companies – such a measure should be applied to companies engaged in the construction of important facilities or facilities of "green" energy; create a level playing field for all companies to "play by the same rules"; reduce the corruption component in the construction industry; direct investments in priority and highly efficient construction projects. It is determined that an important measure to attract investment in construction will be to raise the image of construction companies through the use of advanced and modern materials in construction, open communication of the developer with its customers, respect for the construction site, maintenance of the construction site even after commissioning. interest of potential investors in construction.


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