Keywords: intra-household control, fixed assets, control subjects, inventory, organization


The article is devoted to the justification of theoretical and methodological aspects of internal control of fixed assets. To date, there is an underestimation of the role of internal economic control in the activities of enterprises in Ukraine. This leads to a loss of the quality of information regarding the level of security and the efficiency of the use of fixed assets by the owners and managers of the enterprise. The main purpose of intra-economic control of operations with fixed assets is defined as ensuring the reliability of accounting data and reporting related to the availability, condition, and movement of fixed assets. In addition, internal control of fixed assets is aimed at ensuring the preservation of these assets and their effective use. Several tasks have been formulated to implement the goal of financial control of fixed assets. The role of intra-economic control of operations with fixed assets at enterprises is analyzed. The main elements of the organization of intra-economic control of fixed assets are defined. The main tasks of intra-household control of fixed assets have been studied. The main groups of methods and techniques for organizing intra-economic control of operations with fixed assets, such as documentary control techniques, actual control techniques, and computational and analytical control methods, are specified. Initial control information on intra-household control of fixed assets has been formulated. The main sources of information for the implementation of intra-economic control of operations with fixed assets are outlined. The control functions of the chief accountant during the intra-economic control of fixed assets are highlighted. The purpose of intra-economic control of operations with fixed assets is determined. This allows you to properly organize internal control and ensure a reliable display of data on the accounting of the use of fixed assets. Correct and clear implementation of internal control at domestic enterprises will allow owners to make timely management decisions, conduct analysis and find ways to improve production. This will ensure the efficient functioning of enterprises in the future.


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