• Liudmyla Fedevych L’viv Polytechnic National University
  • Marta Luvdar L’viv Polytechnic National University
  • Yana Mezhyrytska L’viv Polytechnic National University
Keywords: banks, banking system, national bank, bank resources, profitability, stability


The banking system is an element of the financial system of the country. Through the banking system, a mechanism for distributing financial resources and cash flows, their mobilization and engagement in economic circulation. For today, political and military instability, significant inflation and general economic destabilization have had a negative impact on the banking sector and on the performance of banks operating in Ukraine. The stability of the banking sector of the country is one of the main prerequisites for achieving sustainable development of the national economy, while the insufficient level can lead to crisis in the middle of the country. Despite a significant number of studies on the state and main trends of the banking system, some issues related to the comprehensive study of the main financial indicators of the Ukrainian banking system remain undisclosed. In recent years, Ukrainian banking institutions failed to cope with the task of providing resources to the economy of the country. In view of the banking riskiness in Ukraine, further reduction of the number of small commercial banks and increase of capitalization of market leaders of banking services should be expected. Regulatory action on the admission of foreign banks should be used to prevent entry into the domestic banking system of foreign banks with low ratings and unreliable reputation. But at the same time, the implementation of a program for improving the domestic banking system, in particular in the context of strengthening the banking institutions of Ukraine, should be an important condition. This article is devoted to the analysis of Ukrainian banking system, in particular, the main changes that have touched upon the banking sector of Ukraine in recent years have been researched. The condition of bank liabilities, total assets and financial results of activity of banking institutions of Ukraine is considered. The ratings in the field of reliability, profitability of banks of Ukraine are analyzed, on the basis of which conclusions are made and suggestions are made regarding improvement of the current state of banks in the country.


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How to Cite
Fedevych, L., Luvdar, M., & Mezhyrytska, Y. (2020). UKRAINIAN BANKING SYSTEM: CURRENT STATE AND PROSPECTS OF DEVELOPMENT. Economy and Society, (21). Retrieved from