Keywords: innovations, innovative activity, , regional innovation system, investments, investment support, investment policy


The article summarizes foreign and domestic experience of the government's assistance to the innovative development of the region. The tools that provided opportunities for the regions – leaders of innovative development to achieve success in creating a favorable innovation environment are studied. The main tasks of the innovative investment system of the region are described. The role of public administration in the formation of the innovation potential of the region is determined. The model of strategic management of innovation and technological development in Ukraine at the macro, and micro levels has been improved. It is envisaged that in order to increase the competitiveness of the domestic economy, the model of innovative progress in Ukraine should provide for cooperation between the state and the business sector, and all actions of economic entities and authorities should be consistent with the objectives and goals of innovative economic development at the regional level. The influence of innovation and investment activity on the economic development of the regions is studied. Methodical approaches to the assessment of investment activity of the regions are proposed. The dynamics of innovation and investment activity of the regions of Ukraine is analyzed. Factors that negatively affect the economic development of the region are highlighted. Measures are proposed to increase the economic well-being of the economically backward regions of the country. Features of investment activity of Ukraine are considered, modern approaches and visions are noted. The conditions for successful implementation of economic modernization through the introduction of innovations in the context of globalization are highlighted. Factors of development of investment and innovation attractiveness are considered. Ways to improve investment and innovation capacity in the regions are proposed. Methodical approaches to the assessment of the level of investment activity of the country's regions in accordance with the concept of sustainable development are proposed. The dynamics of change in the rating of investment activity of the regions of Ukraine is analyzed. The author identifies the factors of uncertainty that threaten the sustainable development of the regions, in particular, the investment component.


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