Keywords: pension system, pension fund, solidarity system, accumulation system, non-state pension system, non-state pension fund, budget deficit


The article is devoted to topical issues of the formation of a modern pension system in the context of global challenges. The understanding of the concept of "pension system" was deepened, namely: various interpretations of researchers who considered this category were formed and appropriate assumptions were made regarding the essence of this concept. It has been established that the pension system is a complex of institutions, mechanisms and relationships that create conditions for ensuring a sufficient standard of living for citizens of retirement age. Attention is focused on the form and content of the state pension policy, which should depend on the level of social and economic development and implement flexible adaptation to changes in the institutional environment. Attention is drawn to the existing levels of the pension system in the legislative acts of Ukraine. The role and main tasks of the Pension Fund of Ukraine are considered, among which the main one is the implementation of the state policy on pension issues and keeping records of persons subject to mandatory state social insurance. The state of formation and use of funds of the Pension Fund of Ukraine, which manages the solidarity system, was analyzed. The dynamics of the budget income of the Pension Fund of Ukraine was studied, while emphasizing the acute problem of its balancing. The existence of a stable deficit of funds of the Pension Fund of Ukraine and its subsidy from the state budget is shown. Emphasis was placed on the complicated situation with receipts to the fund's budget for the last year, that is, during the period of military aggression by the northern neighbor. The third level of the pension system was studied, namely the dynamics of the main indicators of non-state pension funds. At the same time, it is noted that despite the positive dynamics in the work of non-state pension funds, their share remains insignificant compared to the budget of the Pension Fund of Ukraine, which will not significantly affect the formation of financial resources of the pension system. It was concluded that there is a need to take a number of measures aimed at creating infrastructure for the implementation of the second level of the pension system, which will make it possible to radically reduce the burden on the state budget.


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How to Cite
Havryliuk, V. (2023). ON THE QUESTION OF THE FORMATION OF THE MODERN PENSION SYSTEM OF UKRAINE IN THE CONDITIONS OF GLOBAL CHALLENGES. Economy and Society, (51). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2023-51-28