Keywords: qualification centers, recognition of qualifications, non-formal and informal learning, occupational standards, labour market


This study explores the regulatory basis and applied aspects of qualification centers in Ukraine, focusing on their role in recognizing professional qualifications and addressing qualification gaps. The establishment of qualification centers is grounded in Ukrainian legislation, with the main responsibility of awarding professional qualifications through the validation of non-formal and informal learning based on occupational standards. The qualification center accreditation process is overseen by the National Qualifications Agency, aiming to introduce effective mechanisms for assigning professional qualifications and realizing individuals' right to lifelong education. The establishment of qualification centers faced delays due to the Russian invasion, but as of June 2023, 27 centers are operational, either through accreditation or declaration. These centers cover a total of 132 professional qualifications, and 1,218 certificates have been issued so far. Challenges faced include financial sustainability, capacity-building, and ensuring the recognition of qualifications obtained in other countries. These centers have important links to post-war recovery efforts by facilitating reintegration, reskilling, economic reconstruction, and social cohesion.


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Trenerry B. et al. Preparing workplaces for digital transformation: An integrative review and framework of multi-level factors. Frontiers in Psychology, 2021. Vol. 12. DOI:

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How to Cite
Semigina, T., Balanyuk, Y., & Fedyuk, V. (2023). BRIDGING THE QUALIFICATION GAPS: SETTING UP QUALIFICATION CENTRES IN UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (51).