The article is devoted to the changing problems of the modern world in the conditions of rapid development of technologies, artificial intelligence, geopolitical movements, relevance of national security problems, protection of social identity and values, etc. Entering the 21st century, the development of modern international economic relations takes on new features. The increase in the number of local wars, the growth of racial and religious intolerance, political instability and the unstoppable process of globalization. In the 20th century, the main mechanism for the reconstruction of the post-war world economy was the economic model as a reconstruction strategy, but in the 21st century it is losing its effectiveness. In the conditions of economic globalization, human activity has gone beyond the borders of national states, and the newly created system of interdependent economic relations does not meet the interests of most developing countries. National security dominates the world, second only to economic cooperation and growing competition. Supply chains, considered a hallmark of free trade and economic efficiency, have become vulnerable over a long period of time. Ensuring the country's efficient growth involves a national industrial policy that favors domestic suppliers in procurement in key industries such as semiconductors, energy, pharmaceuticals, defense and other areas. By 2023, national markets are interconnected through integration and global processes, which in turn increases their vulnerability. Economic development is based on a technological component, which can create conditions that push countries away from each other due to uneven technological development. Technologies have proven their fundamental capabilities in many areas, for example, in the field of health care, industrial production and sustainable development. The IMF emphasized that the rising cost of living, deteriorating financial conditions in most regions, Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic have significantly impacted and will continue to weigh on the economic outlook.
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