Keywords: marketing, small business, legal field, European integration, legal norm, Directive, Regulation


The article deals with the problem of legal regulation of small business marketing activities under the European integration. The purpose of the study was the peculiarities of legal regulation of marketing activities of small businesses under the conditions of the European integration of Ukraine. In order to achieve the goal, we consider the peculiarities of entrepreneurs’ treatment of business data according to EU norms, consumer rights protection in e-commerce, regulation of certain types of advertising in EU member states and other norms that Ukrainian entrepreneurs should follow. The methodological basis of the article is a set of methods and techniques of scientific knowledge (systematic approach, logical semantic method, comparative method) taking into account international and national legislation. Authors emphasize that there is a quick adaptation to changing environmental factors for small business, and therefore, in the short term, it is small business that will have more chances to develop even in wartime conditions. Main provisions of EU law in the implementation of marketing activities were analyzed and systematized in the work. The main issues of problem that Ukrainian entrepreneurs should pay attention to were identified. The authors researched the issues of maintaining the confidentiality of information at all stages of marketing activities and protecting the rights of consumers of products, including products implemented with the help of electronic commerce. Compliance with confidentiality, as an integral part of modern marketing in EU countries, is enshrined in the General Data Protection Regulation. It is important not only to have norms, but also to penalize their violation. A significant number of rules and standards are established by Directives. Particular attention during research was paid to comparative advertising, namely the criteria for the possibility of its legal use. The entrepreneur’s attention to the fact that he communicates both about his product and about the product of a competing trademark is growing. Based on the results of the research, it was concluded that entrepreneurs should focus on adapting to changes in the legal field of marketing activities under the conditions of European integration, and in the case of its rapid implementation, they will be able to gain access to international resource markets and take advantage of the new market for their products.


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