Keywords: evaluation, security of socio-economic system, security indicators, index, model


The state of crisis in the state revealed the problems of the lack of a system of preliminary detection and countermeasures against the dangers of socio-economic systems at all levels of hierarchies, as well as the elimination of the negative consequences of these threats. The task of the research is to analyze the state of economic security with the help of global indices and structuring knowledge about the factor environment for researching the level of safety of the country's socioeconomic system. The research used information from the Institute for Economics and Peace, United Nations, World Bank, Transparency International, The Heritage Foundation, Internet. The theoretical and methodological basis was the research of leading domestic scientists regarding the indicators system of the state of socio-economic systems of various levels. The following research methods were also used in the article: analysis, synthesis and system-structural analysis. This article analyzes the level components of the socio-economic system of Ukraine through the global indexes system. The indices are chosen following the components of the protection system of socio-economic systems: human development, military security, economic security, ecological security, information security, cyber security, public security, and foreign policy security. In this article, to study the country's socio-economic system, we chose cognitive modelling methods because it is a weakly structured category, and significant factors form this system. These factors are characterized by a significant degree of uncertainty and subjectivity. This approach makes it possible to study the mutual influence of factors and identify directions of changes in the level of system security in the event of potential threats. The article structured knowledge about the factor environment and formed a set of factors that are the most important for the research of the chosen field. Further research consists in determining the direction and strength of the connection between the selected factors due to the degree of intensity of influence between them.


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How to Cite
Didenko, A., & Protopopova, N. (2023). EVALUATION OF THE STATE INDICATORS OF THE COUNTRY’S SOCIO-ECONOMIC SYSTEMS. Economy and Society, (51). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2023-51-3

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