• Andrii Kupriienko SCREENLIFE studio, LLC
Keywords: advertising, video advertising, creative, creative advertising, social networks, television advertising, advertising effectiveness, advertising strategy, advertiser


The article offers an algorithm for creating advertising creatives in video format. Emphasis is placed on the thesis that in the process of making a purchase decision, the consumer goes through a number of stages: pays attention to the advertisement, feels interested and wants to learn more, wants to try the product, studies the advantages of the product and the seller, makes a decision about the purchase. Other intermediate stages can be added to this series of events, and the information noise around the consumer creates additional obstacles. That is why, defining a clear algorithm for creating creative in video advertising will help minimize communication time, attract and retain consumer attention. After all, video content, both television and online, remains the main advertising driver. The author proposed the following stages of creative video advertising development: studying the audience, researching the capabilities of the advertised product, effective placement, choosing the format of the advertising creative, as well as setting up and implementing a communication strategy. The article discusses the main aspects of creating creative content. It has been proven that the key lies in the active use of technologies and innovations, especially in cases where the audience is under 40-45 years old. On the example of creative advertising campaigns created by Screenlife advertising agency for Kyivstar company, the possibility of effective application of the proposed algorithm using the latest technologies at the intersection of various genres is demonstrated.


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How to Cite
Kupriienko, A. (2022). CREATIVE CREATION ALGORITHM IN VIDEO ADVERTISING. Economy and Society, (45).