The article clarifies the importance of human capital, which has been growing significantly in recent years, as sustainable economic growth is achieved thanks to it. Ukraine has an urgent need to develop human capital, the use of which will allow creating high-tech products with a high content of added value. Such a task can be solved on the basis of creating an effective management model for the development of human capital. Management of the development of human capital is a holistic system that involves the construction of relationships between the object and the subject of management, functioning within the external environment, with the aim of directing management action to the formation and development of a person. The conducted research made it possible to identify three main models of human capital development management: American, Japanese and Western European, which are based on the use of an innovative approach. The main advantages of the innovative approach are the desire to meet the needs of the individual with an orientation to the future, the encouragement of innovativeness, creativity, creative search, the dominance of a low degree of control and detailed management. In contrast, the domestic model of human capital development management uses a traditional approach and is characterized by such features as the use of a combination of systemic and situational approaches to management; combination of individualism with collective and group organization of work; involvement of both professionals and the owners of human capital in the management process. Unfortunately, such a model does not allow to holistically solve the problems of individual development, taking into account the needs of today. Therefore, the search for a modern effective model of human capital development management in Ukraine becomes an urgent issue, which is also due to the impossibility of ensuring effective management using traditional approaches that were developed in economic conditions that did not require innovation and creativity; the need to take into account the growing role of the individual in reproductive processes; challenges that Ukrainian society has faced recently, which significantly affected the life of an individual.
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