Keywords: service sector, international trade, competitiveness, development, national economy, transport services, information services, tourist services, financial services


The article is focused on the study of the state of international trade in services of Ukraine at the current stage and the development of measures to increase the competitiveness of the Ukrainian service sector on world markets. To achieve the goal of the article, mainly quantitative research methods, in particular statistical analysis, were used. The state of Ukraine's international trade in services has been analysed, the main trends of its development and features of its structure have been determined. The factors of increasing the competitiveness of services are outlined, including: development of human capital; investments in intangible assets; development of digital infrastructure; effective regulation; connection with world markets; the presence of a strategy for the development of the field. On the basis of the identified factors affecting competitiveness, the following measures for improving the functioning of the service sector were developed: creation of a comprehensive strategy for the development of the service sector; state support for the processes of informatization and digitization of the service sector; improvement of the staffing system of the service sector; promoting the openness of Ukrainian service markets for foreign investors and companies; improvement of the internal regulatory environment. Proposed measures for the development of transport and information services as the main export sectors of the Ukraine’s service sector. Transport sector development measures, in particular, include: creation of modernized high-tech transport infrastructure; implementation of innovative solutions in customs and other control procedures; introduction of intelligent transport systems and traffic management systems; ensuring the preservation and development of professional personnel potential; increasing environmental friendliness of transport. The development of the IT services requires, among other things: prevention of brain drain; reduction of tax pressure and reduction of bureaucracy in the industry; improvement of the IT specialists training process; development of information infrastructure. In addition, ways of increasing the competitiveness of the promising spheres of tourism and financial services have been developed. The results of the research can be used to develop an effective policy for the economic growth of the service sector as a whole and its individual sectors.


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