The article is devoted to the actual issues of activation of labor migration in the world in the conditions of development of the world economy, deepening of the international division of labor, the spread of processes of globalization and integration. It is noted that nowadays labor migration has entered a qualitatively new stage of its formation and has become one of the main factors of socio-economic transformations and development of the world economy. The activation of labor migration has recently been conditioned both by factors of the internal economic development of each individual country and by external factors as well as by objective and subjective factors. The main attention is paid to the study of the problem of increasing the number of labor migrants in Ukraine, which is related to the development of European integration and the introduction of visa-free regime. The author analyzes the difficult economic and demographic situation in Ukraine and the reasons that cause the massive displacement of labor resources from our country abroad. The main directions of migration flows are defined, and countries that promote the rapid increase of quotas and the number of issued work permits for Ukrainian migrants are named. The main areas of employment of Ukrainian migrant workers are mentioned. The structure, sex and age structure of labor migrants are considered. A paradigmatic model of migration behavior of Ukrainians depending on the length of stay abroad is described. The article analyzes the consequences of labor migration for national economies. It is noted that labor migration creates a number of important problems and dangers for governments of both political and social aspects, and therefore international migration processes require significant control and regulation by the states participating in the exchange of labor resources. The positive moments and a number of important shortcomings brought about by labor migration are compared. The directions of the government’s actions, which should be aimed at reducing the rate of labor migration in our country, creation of favorable conditions for increasing the number of the employed population and transforming the national human capital into the main source of economic growth in Ukraine are outlined.
Трудова міграція: чому українці їдуть з країни і як їх повернути? URL: (дата звернення: 03.02.2018).
Українці на експорт: сьогодні і завтра трудової міграції. URL: (дата звернення: 03.02.2018).
Трудова міграція громадян України за кордон: виклики та шляхи реагування. URL: (дата звернення: 03.02.2018).
Доходи заробітчан. Які податки сплачувати і за що можуть оштрафувати. URL: (дата звернення: 03.02.2018).
Trudova mihratsiia: chomu ukraintsi yidut z krainy i yak yikh povernuty? [Elektronnyi resurs]. – Available at: (accessed: 3 February 2018).
Ukraintsi na eksport: sohodni i zavtra trudovoi mihratsii [Elektronnyi resurs]. – Available at: (accessed: 3 February 2018).
Trudova mihratsiia hromadian Ukrainy za kordon: vyklyky ta shliakhy reahuvannia [Elektronnyi resurs]. – Available at: (accessed: 3 February 2018).
Dokhody zarobitchan. Yaki podatky splachuvaty i za shcho mozhut oshtrafuvaty [Elektronnyi resurs]. – Available at: (accessed: 3 February 2018).