To develop an algorithm for forming the risk management system of the enterprise's export logistics system is the purpose of the article. Analytical and descriptive research methods were used when writing the paper. The main stages of the formation of the risk management system were identified and characterized the authors. The risk management system must be integral, cover several stages, as stated in the article. It was determined that the main stages of risk management are risk identification, analysis, assessment, risk modification and monitoring of key risk indicators. The result of the implementation of the developed risk management algorithm is decision-making taking into account the risks and the possibilities of economic mitigation of the consequences of their occurrence. The application of the algorithm developed by the authors makes it possible to classify risks, identify the main causes, sources, factors of their occurrence, use effective risk management tools, while reducing the level of uncertainty. Experts in logistics and risk management can be involved to strengthen the risk management system of the exporting enterprise. Also, the enterprise needs to have a backup plan of action in case of unforeseen crisis situations. An effective risk management system of export logistics chains at the enterprise provides: an opportunity to predict risks and take timely measures to minimize their negative impact on the development of the enterprise; availability of operational information about critical risks, cumulative impact of risks, and options for managing them; understanding the probabilities and magnitudes of possible deviations of the key indicators of the company's activity due to the influence of risks; the ability to make timely management decisions in conditions of uncertainty based on risk analysis; increasing the reliability and efficiency of logistics processes; increasing the competitiveness of the exporting enterprise on the market; the ability to optimize the allocation of resources; increasing the ability of the enterprise to recover quickly and effectively after the occurrence of risky situations.
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