Keywords: classification of needs, behavioral economics, motivation theory, hierarchy of needs, analysis of behavioral processes


The study is devoted to the problem of classification of needs in the context of behavioral economics. The article examines the existing classifications and the expediency of their use for the analysis of social phenomena. The main goal of the research is to create a generalized classification of needs for practical application in the analysis of behavioral processes. The proposed classification includes useful and previously incompatible elements of individual theoretical works. A new approach is proposed, which has absorbed the positive qualities of existing concepts and expands their boundaries. An extended classification of needs for practical application in the analysis of behavioral processes is proposed. This classification includes useful and previously incompatible elements of separate theoretical works, such as an expanded list of needs, the addition of factors that are motivating for human behavior, and destructive needs. What is new in the approach is the division of needs into three types depending on the level of their necessity for life, namely: necessary for survival, generally desired and specific needs. Thus, the new classification takes into account and extends existing approaches and can be useful for descriptive analysis in the context of behavioral economics. The results of the research are relevant in the context of modern economic science, as understanding needs and their classification can be useful for solving socio-economic problems. The practical application of the new classification can help in the development of effective management and marketing strategies, as well as in the analysis of the behavior and motivation of the subjects of choice, such as product consumers, investors, etc.


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How to Cite
Dobryn, S., & Korsun, I. (2023). CLASSIFICATION OF NEEDS IN THE CONTEXT OF BEHAVIORAL ECONOMICS. Economy and Society, (50).