Keywords: four-year model, delayed observation, sports tourism, scientific work of students


The article examines the progress of scientific work among students specializing in Tourism at the National Aviation University (NAU). The authors emphasize the importance of implementing a four-year model for the development of cognitive activity in secondary and higher education, as well as the potential for enhancing scientific research activities among students. The primary focus of the study is the advancement of scientific engagement among students, particularly within the framework of the "Sports Tourism" club established at NAU. The authors analyze the significance of seeking relevant information during the preparation, execution, and conclusion of sports expeditions, highlighting its application in the writing of scientific articles and papers by students. Furthermore, the article underlines the necessity of intensifying scientific research activities among students, especially in the context of exploring the potential of sports tourism in Ukraine's response to Russian military aggression. The authors emphasize the importance of studying and investigating sports tourism as a potential tool within Ukraine's strategy to counter military aggression, thereby uncovering new possibilities and advantages within this field. The research presented in the article is based on an analysis of scientific sources, articles, dissertations, and other scholarly materials, as well as the authors' extensive experience at the National Aviation University. The obtained results demonstrate the considerable potential for developing students' scientific work in the field of Tourism and their contribution to the exploration of sports tourism, particularly in the face of Russian military aggression. Overall, this article provides valuable insights into the development of scientific work among students in the field of Tourism and offers practical recommendations for fostering and supporting scientific research conducted by students specializing in Tourism at the National Aviation University. Thus, deferred observation and years of pedagogical practice have demonstrated that the model of cognitive tourist-ethnographic activity, developed by us for secondary schools, can be effectively utilized in the higher education process. Under professional guidance, this model significantly enhances students' interest in research work and increases scientific activity within the higher education context.


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How to Cite
Fokin, S., Saichuk, V., & Kucherenko, V. (2023). DEVELOPMENT OF SCIENTIFIC WORK OF STUDENTS OF THE SPECIALTY 242 TOURISM AT THE NATIONAL AVIATION UNIVERSITY. Economy and Society, (50). Retrieved from