Keywords: digital transformation, digitization, trends, efficiency factors, pandemic, competitiveness


The article is devoted to the study of the features of digital transformation of business under the influence of changes in the environment of its operation, as well as to the determination of trends in recent years in this area. The trends in the digital world that affect the increase in the volume of digital transformation have been identified. The etymology of the concept of digital transformation is analyzed, its separate features that distinguish it from the concept of digitalization are determined. The goal pursued by enterprises when making a decision on digital transformation is established, namely the optimization of the available resource potential, working time costs and increasing the efficiency of business processes. The main advantages for business from digital transformation are given. Aspects of business that are subject to digital transformation when using a holistic approach are defined: basic operations, experience, information technology infrastructure, information management and analytics. Aspects that affect the effectiveness of digital transformation have been systematized, namely the presence of a digitization team, a defined development strategy, an update of the concept model, identification and elimination of all gaps in the company's activities, and the use of digital skills. The main trends that occurred in the field of research under the influence of the introduction of a global quarantine due to the spread of the corona virus infection COVID-19 and after it are summarized. The key trends common in the modern technological environment are highlighted: the spread of 5-G technologies, zero-trust security, hyper-automation, predictive analytics, customer relationship management and the use of customer data platforms, as well as the application of generative artificial intelligence. Disadvantages of digital transformation have been identified: unemployment growth due to the emergence of a class of "extra" workers on the market, total retraining of personnel, destruction of the usual mechanisms of future guarantees, reduction of the general well-being of the population, and as a result – solvent demand.


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How to Cite
Pavlovskyi, M., Hatska, L., & Zavadska, O. (2023). DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION OF BUSINESS IN THE CONDITIONS OF MODERN CHANGES. Economy and Society, (50).