Increasing the national wealth of our country, improving the living standards of the population and its socio-economic status will largely depend on the rational use of their own energy, which at the present stage of management becomes especially relevant. The purpose of the study is to develop strategic aspects of the formation of economic and energy policy of Ukraine based on the development of global integration processes and taking into account the national economically feasible potential of renewable energy resources. The following general and special scientific methods and techniques were used during the research: economic-historical and analytical generalizations; monographic; graphic; statistical analysis; prognostication; abstract-logical. The fundamental importance of energy to all sectors of the national economy is outlined on the basis of characteristic technological, intra-industry, intersectoral and environmental features that ensure the economic development of the country. The analysis of statistical data showed that the introduction of renewable energy sources in Ukraine is too slow, and their contribution to the energy balance of the country is quite low. It is established that the main problem of energy dependence of the state is not the shortage of energy resources, but the high energy intensity of national production compared to world indicators. To achieve Ukraine's energy security, its economic growth and improve the environment, a unique role belongs to measures to diversify energy import sources, introduce energy-saving and energy-efficient technologies, as well as increase the share of renewable energy resources in the structure of national energy consumption. In the future, in the format of a strategic-dynamic approach, it is advisable to form a balanced economic and energy policy, defining a multilevel system of priorities, goals and resources. Ukraine's integration into the world economy should not be limited to the European paradigm of development, because it will indicate an incomplete understanding of the essence and significance of the introduction of key advanced geoeconomic technologies.
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