Keywords: natural and climatic resources, sanatorium treatment, health improvement, dietary nutrition


The work is devoted to the strategy of the development of catering in sanatorium-resort and recreation-health complexes of Ukraine. In terms of the level of provision of natural and recreational resources, Ukraine occupies one of the leading places in Europe. The spread of food-dependent diseases among the population of most modern industrialized countries of the world is related to living and working conditions, improper nutrition, and unfavorable environmental conditions. Sanatorium-resort treatment is considered an important component of the health care system of the population of Ukraine, and dietary nutrition, which is mandatory for sanatorium-resort treatment, belongs to the basic resort services as an important factor in treatment, recovery and ensuring the body's resistance to adverse environmental conditions environment. The sanatorium-resort system of Ukraine combines economic, social, cultural and ecological activities. The development of market relations in the sanatorium-resort industry and the growing needs of the population for health and recreation at the resorts of Ukraine have led to the transformation of the sanatorium-resort industry into multifunctional health centers and the development of medical and health tourism. Such cross-industry structures as resort hotels, SPA and Wellness – tourism appeared, which allowed sanatorium-resort establishments to master new segments of the consumer market. Ukraine has a high potential for the development of health tourism, which increases the chances of creating significant prerequisites for its transformation into an effective factor in the socio-economic development of the respective regions, which implement this direction within their own economic activity. Today in Ukraine there is a tradition of an academic school of physiotherapy, spa science and restorative medicine, and extensive scientific and practical experience in the field of sanatorium and spa treatment. On the other hand, new areas of preventive and health-improving medicine are actively developing, the popularity of the SPA and Wellness industry is growing, and a new segment of the tourist market is being formed – medical/medical tourism – medical-SPA. Treatment/medical tourism has such a great potential that it is currently separated into an independent segment of the tourism market with a wide range of investment opportunities: from large-scale hotel projects adjacent to clinics located within the city, to already existing specialized complexes with some modifications in the structure services


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