Keywords: corporate social responsibility, personnel, social design, social project, society


The article was focused on the topical issues of determining initiating and implementing social project’s feasibility at the enterprise and organization level in modern domestic conditions. The purpose of social design was defined as a moderate construction of the desired state of the organization's future, the social environment inside and outside the organization. The formation of a positive attitude towards future development among staff and society was defined as an urgent need. Approaches to defining the content of the "social project" and "social design" concepts were analyzed. The types of social projects at the enterprise and organization level (educational, scientific, technical, cultural, charitable, and educational) were considered. The stages of social projecting (development, implementation, completion) were studied. The content of the initiating social projects stages were characterized. The principles of social design (integrity, limitation, objectivity, validity, consistency and coherence, competence, viability) were considered. The conditions for the success of social design were analyzed. There were including: innovation, the need for sociological research, expert evaluation, detailing goals, objectives, generalization of experience, taking into account social values, norms, etc. According to the results of the research, the popular areas of social design, that has been implemented and was being implemented by domestic enterprises and organizations in 2022-2023 (volunteer projects, educational and cultural projects). The features of social design in modern domestic conditions were outlined (the need for purposeful, planned, controlled development of social objects, satisfaction of social vital needs of society, social and moral support for the development of social groups, harmonious development of social systems, socially integrating function, a wide range of sources of resource provision, cognitive, innovative, communicative and ideological nature). The article highlights the need to initiate and implement social projects at the micro level in modern realities.


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How to Cite
Sazonova, T., & Sharlai, M. (2023). SOCIAL PROJECTS AT THE ENTERPRISE’S LEVEL IN MODERN CONDITIONS. Economy and Society, (50).