The article examines the problem of unemployment in conditions of economic instability. In the labor market of 2023, a severe crisis continues against the background of the war in Ukraine. The war made significant changes in the functioning of the domestic labor market. This state of affairs caused the complete or partial shutdown of enterprises, significant problems in the organization of business operations, inefficient use of labor, increased migration, and the lack of a concept for overcoming the outflow of human resources abroad. Ukraine's economy, as an element of the global system, is one of its weakest links and is very vulnerable to crisis phenomena. This problem affects every enterprise and every citizen in general, but Ukrainians do not lose their optimistic attitude about the future of the economy and employment in the country. A significant proportion of Ukrainians express their desire for their own professional development in the post-war period. Obtaining new knowledge is generally a very relevant direction of the plans, because during the period of the country's recovery, there will be noticeable changes in the professional structure of the demand for labor. The labor market is one of the most complex elements of the socio-economic system, therefore, we believe that the research topic is extremely relevant. To create an effective system for counteracting the negative impact of economic instability on the labor market, it is necessary to comprehensively consider the essence of the phenomenon of unemployment, its manifestations and possible consequences. In order to weaken and, as a result, overcome the negative consequences of martial law, the sphere of labor needs to be reformed in the direction of achieving the strategic goals of maximum realization of labor potential by creating favorable conditions for the activation of motivational and stimulating measures for productive employment. Unemployment requires an analysis of the state and causes, a search for levers of its regulation on a scientific basis and with the use of effective foreign experience. The creation of a labor market in Ukraine, on which effective employment of the existing labor force would be carried out, would make it possible to bring the economy of our country to a new level.
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