Keywords: corporate culture, national character, advantages of corporate culture, development, features of culture


The article addresses the pressing issues of corporate culture, provides a definition of "corporate culture", and emphasises the importance of corporate culture as a key component of business management. Attention is drawn to the underestimation of the role and importance of corporate culture by domestic business. The main benefits of a strong corporate culture are highlighted. It is noted that corporate culture is related to enterprise management, which includes: type of management, organizational structure, methods of communication and decision-making, employee motivation system, personnel policy and training system. It is noted that the main values of corporate culture are people and information. Special features of the Ukrainians' character that affect the formation of corporate culture are outlined. It is noted that the national character is an important component of the corporate culture. It is observed that one of the features of the national character of Ukrainians, which significantly affects the formation of corporate culture, is individualism, which is due to the specifics of social life. The importance of employees' identification with the enterprise is emphasised. It is pointed out that each organisation determines and develops its own model of corporate culture, taking into account classical models, examples of successful domestic and foreign enterprises, previous experience, specifics of the activity, etc. The model of foreign corporate culture is considered, the application of which helps companies to evaluate it. The key aspects of this model that can be used by domestic organizations to create their own original corporate culture are identified. Attention is focused on two types of Ukrainian corporate culture: agricultural and knightly (Cossack) and the importance of taking into account all elements to create an authentic Ukrainian culture is noted. The focus is on the purpose of corporate culture and its positive impact on the functioning of the organisation and ensuring high profitability of the enterprise by maximising the efficiency of production management.


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How to Cite
VaraksіnaO., & Shulga, V. (2023). THE ROLE OF CORPORATE CULTURE TODAY BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT. Economy and Society, (49).