The article aims to determine the peculiarities of the functioning of Ukrainian medical insurance in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic. The operation of the medical insurance market in Ukraine is studied. It is noted that the National Health Service of Ukraine plays the role of insurer, which is funded by the state. It is proved that medical insurance is an important component of the country's social infrastructure. It is considered an alternative model of public health organization. The main sources of health care financing according to the documents of the World Health Organization are given. The importance of voluntary health insurance as an additional source of financing medical expenses of citizens is determined. It is concluded that the largest share of medical expenses is covered by Ukrainians at their own expense. It is noted that according to the legal framework in Ukraine there are two types of voluntary insurance: continuous health insurance and health insurance in case of illness. Particular attention has been paid to the study of the main features of the insurance product in medical insurance in the conditions of the pandemic. The proposals of insurance companies that occupy leading positions in the rating of medical insurance in Ukraine in terms of insurance premiums, insurance payments and the level of payments are analysed. The comparative characteristics of medical insurance programmes offered to the population by insurance companies "EUROINS Insurance", "MetLife", "ARX", "Alpha Insurance", "INGO Ukraine" are given, taking into account the peculiarities of providing services for the treatment of COVID-19. It is determined that treatment of COVID-19 is not included in all medical insurance contracts due to the difficulty of assessing the financial consequences of such a decision. The main problems hindering the effective development of medical insurance in the country are highlighted. Trends and prospects of medical insurance development in Ukraine are revealed. It is concluded that the effective functioning of the public health system is a significant task for Ukrainian society, which allows to achieve a synergistic effect in the infrastructure and system of medical services through the integration of compulsory and voluntary health insurance.
Що таке медичне страхування і як воно працює в Україні. URL: (дата звернення: 22.03.2021).
Офіційний сайт СК «Metlife-Україна». URL: (дата звернення: 24.03.2021).
Офісійний сайт СК «ЄВРОІНС страхування». URL: (дата звернення: 24.03.2021).
Офісійний сайт СК «INGO». URL: (дата звернення: 27.03.2021).
Офіційний сайт CK «ARX». URL: (дата звернення: 29.03.2021).
Медичне страхування. URL: (дата звернення: 04.02.2021).
Shcho take medychne strakhuvannya i yak vono pratsyuye v Ukrayini [What is health insurance and how it works in Ukraine]. Retrieved from: (accessed 22 March 2021).
Ofitsiynyy sayt SK «Metlife-Ukrayina» [Official site of Metlife-Ukraine Insurance Company]. Retrieved from: (accessed 24 March 2021).
Ofisiynyy sayt SK «YEVROINS strakhuvannya» [Official site of EUROINS Insurance Insurance Company]. Retrieved from: (accessed 24 March 2021).
Ofisiynyy sayt SK «INGO» [Official site of INGO Insurance Company]. Retrieved from: 27 March 2021).
Ofitsiynyy sayt CK «ARX» [Official site of CK "ARX"]. Retrieved from: (accessed 29 March 2021).
Medychne strakhuvannya [Medical insurance]. Retrieved from: (accessed 4 February 2021).