The article is devoted to the topical issues of the formation of the water resources management system within the framework of integration into the European Union, taking into account climate changes and the impact of a full-scale war. The problems of water resources that arose due to the conduct of military operations on the territory of Ukraine were considered. The principles of integrated management of water resources are analyzed from the point of view of their implementation in modern Ukrainian realities. It is emphasized that it is important not to perceive integrated management as an additional superstructure on top of the existing system. The current state of water resources in Ukraine requires a comprehensive approach to water resources management in order to minimize the negative impact on the health and socio-economic activity of the population with the prospect of preserving the proper state of the environment for future generations. It has been studied that the problem of vulnerability of water to external factors is extremely acute today for ensuring health and conducting economic activities of the population of Ukraine. The peculiarities and current state of the implementation of the comprehensive reform in the sector of hydraulic melioration of Ukraine are considered. A shift in the activation of the creation of water user organizations from the South of Ukraine to safer regions was noted. The importance of the role of women in the socio-economic development of the country was noted and the need for the development of educational and investment support programs was emphasized. The problems of introducing socially just and economically justified water tariffs, taking into account population migration and the increase in costs for the maintenance of water supply networks, are analyzed. On Ukraine's path to the EU, it is very important to generalize foreign experience and analyze the success of implemented water resources management mechanisms in terms of applicability in Ukrainian realities. It was determined that a careful attitude to water and a rethinking of the consumerist approach in society should become the foundations of the "green" course of the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine.
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Specialisti Derzhekoinspekciyi Ukrayini rozrahuvali sumu zbitkiv, vnaslidok rosijskoyi agresiyi na teritoriyi Ukrayini za zabrudnennya, zasmichennya vod ta samovilne koristuvannya vodnimi resursami [Specialists of the State Ecoinspection of Ukraine calculated the amount of damages as a result of Russian aggression on the territory of Ukraine for pollution, clogging of waters and arbitrary use of water resources]. Available at:
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V Ukrayini startuye richnij proyekt dopomogi dlya zhinochogo biznesu [An annual assistance project for women's business is launched in Ukraine]. Available at:
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