Ukrainian European integration aspirations must be supported by the understanding and acceptance in society of the European idea of sustainable development. Since marketing occupies one of the important places in the structure of the economic component of sustainable development, the concept of sustainable marketing development has been implemented in global practice in recent decades. In order to introduce European standards of living and sustainable approaches to economic and marketing activities of business entities in Ukraine, it is necessary to study long-term and effective experience of the EU in this field with the aim of its further adaptation. The purpose of this article is to highlight long-term and effective experience of the EU in terms of implementation of the concept of sustainable development marketing. The main requirements for the information submitted in the annual financial statements of EU companies regarding compliance with sustainable development standards are given, the concepts of “sustainable development” and “sustainable development marketing” are defined, and the goals of sustainable development in the socio-economic sphere are outlined. It is emphasized that the characteristic features of sustainable development marketing are the promotion of meeting human needs and the simultaneous development, well-being of local communities and society as a whole; promoting the development of economic exchanges at the level of the macroeconomic system; rational use of resources. Governments and the public of the EU countries are paying much attention to the issues related to the need to improve the nutrition of the population, one of the directions of which is the increase in the volume and expanding the range of consumption of so-called “healthy” food products. The practice of implementation of EU sustainable development of marketing approaches in the field of improving the nutrition of the population due to “healthy” oil and fat products is highlighted. Attention is focused on the fact that the concept of sustainable development in the EU is implemented on the basis of cooperation between the government, society and the public. It is concluded that sustainable development marketing allows the companies to achieve not only short-term financial success, but also to ensure it in the long-term, while building a mutually beneficial relationship between their own business, consumer needs, public interests and environmental protection.
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