Keywords: behavior, behavioral economics, behaviorism, supply chains, supply chain management (SCM), logistics


In the last 20 years, the area of supply chain management (SCM) has seen many changes in technology, operations, information systems, methods and models. However, one component has not changed. From manufacturing and services to supply chains and research and development, people remain a critical element of a system. This article is in general an overview of behavioral issues in SCM and how the behavior of people, employees and managers influences the supply chain performance. People are the critical component of the organizational system and that is essential, for improving supply chain performance, to develop models that correctly describe people’s behavior. The goal of this article is to highlight the important area of behavioral supply chain management research focused on the effects of human behavior, judgment and decision making in logistics and supply chain management. To achieve the aim set in the article, general scientific and special methods were used, in particular: analysis and synthesis, induction, deduction, abstraction and concretization, systematization, as well as elements of comparative analysis. The article examines the application of a behavioral approach to the study of SCM and existing behavioral research related to supply chain management. The origins of behavioral economics, behavioral operations, and behavioral supply chain management are analyzed. It is justified how the results of behavioral research can be relevant to phenomena related to the supply chain, and how psychological dimensions in logistics can be interesting for future findings. In addition, behavioral factors that may hinder decision-making are covered in detail. The paucity of behavioral research suggests that both logistics and SCM disciplines are following rather than leading this research direction. A practical nature of logistics and the constant human interaction in SCM instead means that these areas should be at the forefront of such research. Thus, there is great potential to realize significant benefits for practice and theory development. A deeper understanding of behavioral issues should enable firms to make better decisions and operate more efficiently based on updated and improved models, as well as to predict agents' intentions, actions and reactions more quickly and accurately.


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How to Cite
Shchekhovska, L., & Matvieiev, V. (2023). BEHAVIOURAL SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT . Economy and Society, (49).