The war in Ukraine actualizes the issue of national unity and a powerful national economy as an important factor in the country's development. It requires an appropriate state policy based on successful historical practices of the national changes. From this point of view, the study of the effective experience of the national economy building in Germany and its state governance at the market-industrial stage can have practical value, which is why this article is dedicated. The theoretical-methodological basis of this research is a systemic-dialectical approach, methods of empirical history, comparative, institutional-evolutionary, and historical-logical analyses. The research paper defines the concepts of German economic thought, which became the ideological basis of the socioeconomic consolidation and modernization of the country. In particular, attention is focused on the views of representatives of the German historical school (F. List, A. Müller, W. Rocher, K. Knis, B. Hildebrand, G. Schmoller, L. Brentano), which found practical implementation in the relevant model of state economic regulation. The peculiarities of the political and economic doctrine of O. von Bismarck regarding the formation of a unified national state and national economy in the second half of the XIXth century are highlighted. Measures and mechanisms for the relevant economic reforms implementation, in particular, financial, tax, customs-trade, social-political, etc., were analyzed. The achievements and miscalculations of the German «iron chancellor» in domestic and foreign economic policy are outlined. The consequences of the practical implementation of Bismarck’s «national unity» policy for the development of the national economy and the change in Germany’s position on the world market are substantiated. Attention is focused on the state’s role in ensuring the industrialization and technical modernization of the German economy, which has become one of the main determinants of the strengthening of the country’s political and economic weight. The identified results determine the value of this research.
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