Keywords: fiscal support, export, import, foreign economic security, export strategy


The article examines the problems of fiscal support of Ukraine's foreign economic activity, which consist in the continuation of the practice of supporting the export of raw materials and insufficient stimulation of the export of innovative and high-tech products. The purpose of the article was to determine the priority areas of Ukraine's export strategy and fiscal support of foreign economic activity for the period of post-war economic development. The research used methods of systematic and historical-logical analysis, structural-functional analysis, and statistical comparisons. The article analyzes the state of foreign economic security in 2010-2022, considers the provisions of the Export Strategy of Ukraine for 2017-2021 and the results of its implementation in terms of fiscal support for exports. As a result of the study, external and internal groups of factors were identified that determine the need for fiscal support to ensure foreign economic security and growth of the national economy. It is suggested that external factors include the economic consequences of the restructuring of the world order, full-scale military actions of the russian federation against Ukraine, trade sanctions, global trade conflicts and other factors affecting world trade; internal factors - the level of development of the national economy, export opportunities, including the introduction of innovations to diversify exports and expand participation in international trade. It was found that the support that is provided "point-wise" and fragmented without a clear strategic plan is ineffective. The policy of previous years – the provision of insignificant state support to as many economic entities as possible – is not justified and, in aggregate, does not create the proper conditions for the activation of innovative growth factors and the transition of the economy to a new, higher level of economic development. The priority directions of Ukraine's export strategy and fiscal support should be aimed at the national tasks of forming a full-fledged national economic complex on an innovative basis, defining innovative chains and innovative clusters that ensure the creation, implementation, production and sale of innovative products on domestic and foreign markets. The practical value of the article lies in the development of proposals for amendments to the legislation in order to ensure support for priority areas of foreign economic activity.


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