Keywords: economic potential, seed enterprises, factors, changing competitive environment, agricultural sector, seed production, business environment


One of the primary chains in the effective development of plant-growing is seed production, which ensures the production of high-quality seed material and produces high yields of agricultural crops. The final results of plant-growing efficiency as a whole depend on the level of return on the economic potential of seed enterprises. It was determined that "economic potential" is a complex and multi-component economic category, which embodies integral substantive attributes related to the return of resources, abilities, competences and opportunities of business entities to effective development and strengthening of competitive advantages. It was established that the economic potential is formed under the influence of a number of factors that determine its development and affect the efficiency of management. The article is devoted to the substantiation of the theoretical foundations of the identification of factors for the formation of the economic potential of seed enterprises as an important component of the development of the agrarian sector of the economy and ensuring food security. It has been proven that the structuring of the components and factors of the formation of economic potential is the basis of a systematic approach to its management, as well as the basis for substantiating forecasts and the main performance indicators of seed enterprises in conditions of uncertainty and variability of the competitive environment. At the same time, mechanisms for managing economic potential should be based on the concept of its development in the space of risks, threats and opportunities of the external and internal environment. The theoretical views of scientists on the theoretical foundations of the systematic identification of the influence of factors on the economic potential of seed enterprises are analyzed. The theoretical principles of differentiation of the factors of formation of the economic potential of the enterprise with their division into factors of the internal and external environment, which are under the influence of the institutional environment of the state, competitors, strategic and tactical risks and threats of the changing competitive environment of the functioning of seed enterprises, are deepened.


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