An important condition for the investment attractiveness of a country is the development of its transportation infrastructure. Positive changes have taken place in the development of Ukraine's transportation infrastructure in recent years. Ukraine's transportation potential is inexhaustible. The COVID-19 pandemic, followed by the war with Russia, has become a serious challenge for the domestic infrastructure. The article examines the state of transport infrastructure in Ukraine. Global trends in the development of transport infrastructure are identified. The development of water, particularly river transport, requires significant state support. The study found that development of transport infrastructure needs to work with other parts of the economy, like energy and technology, to get the best results. There are currently different models of transportation infrastructure development: leading, synchronized, lagging, and mixed. Ukraine is characterized by the latter model, under which the post-war period of transportation infrastructure restoration will take place with the active participation of various international organizations and friendly investors. The author has identified the main strategic directions for the development of transportation. Despite the war, the strategic directions of development for the domestic infrastructure remain unchanged, however, achieving the set strategic goals become a challenging task. Funding for the restoration and development of transportation infrastructure will come from various sources, including the participation of various international financial institutions. The strategic initiatives of transport infrastructure include development of multimodal transportation, expansion of the network of transport corridors, attraction of public and private investments to ensure implementation of projects of development, construction, reconstruction and modernization of infrastructure, and improvement of the tariff policy.
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