The relevance of the chosen topic lies in the fact that with the help of new training methods, techniques and technologies, the personnel management system is actively functioning. As a result, new training methods, methods of professional training of employees at the enterprise are gaining popularity. This article discusses the necessity to introduce a new educational corporate process of enterprises while developing staff. Determined that personnel development planning. It has been determined that personnel development planning, which provides for the integration of efficiency management modules, is an important component of performance management. The following are the reasons why hired workers are not sufficiently interested in investing personal resources in their training, retraining or advanced training in the absence of reasonable material and moral incentives for this, perceiving training as a waste of time. The content of corporate training has been identified through the use of training courses with massive interactive participation using e-learning technologies and open access via the Internet, the use of crowdsourcing ideas, which aims to involve a wide range of people in solving various problems of innovative production activities to use their creative abilities, knowledge and experience similar to the subcontracting work on a voluntary basis using information and communication technologies. Taking this into account, the purpose of the study is to consider the theoretical foundations and the introduction of corporate training tools to improve the personnel development system and educational processes at the enterprise. To achieve the goal, the following task was formulated and solved: to propose measures to improve the system of advanced training and personnel development. In the course of the research, the methods of logical analysis, comparison, classification, systematization, graphical presentation of materials, and theoretical generalization were used. The practical significance lies in the fact that the newest methods and forms of personnel development are replacing the traditional format of personnel training.
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