Today, Ukraine is faced with a number of political, economic and social challenges, each of which can be called historic in scope and significance for the future fate of the state. An adequate response to them will determine the success of not only the reform of the economic system as a whole, its management, but also the modernization of the sphere of international business. As a candidate for membership of the European Union, Ukraine undoubtedly receives a number of advantages and preferences, but also assumes a number of obligations that fundamentally change the whole model of socio-economic development. And it is the international economic sphere that will become the lever of economic development and competitiveness of the state in the world market. Accordingly, one of the significant challenges of today in the international business environment is the challenge of leadership. Domestic business, oriented to European norms and standards, European values and the management system, is interested in real leaders, responsible, able to effectively carry out professional activities in the conditions of dynamic changes and a difficult economic and political situation in the country. It is the formation of a new type of leader that will create the necessary foundation for further deepening the integration of Ukraine's economy into the global economic space. In the article, for a criterion analysis of the essence of the concept of a leader, the authors selected those definitions that contribute to a more effective study of the substantial basis of leadership through the prism of its main concept. In our opinion, a leader is a member of a certain group who possesses a set of knowledge, abilities and skills that contribute to the formation of his authority and give an opportunity to influence the activities of the group as a whole and its members in particular. Thus, it can be concluded that the leader is the most authoritative person in the group, who, by using his personal qualities, occupies a key position in social, moral and other situations, group activities. The leader has significant influence on the group, takes responsibility for making important decisions. The concept of «leadership» is characterized by complexity, great variety and changes that are introduced every time, therefore it cannot be given a single and exact definition, there are different ideas about the nature and essence of this phenomenon. The conducted study of existing theoretical approaches to the definition of the essence of leadership makes it possible to determine the diversity of its interpretation due to the different approach to research and the lack of a single unified definition. We understand leadership as the process of forming quality personality traits that provide an opportunity to realize one's own potential, contribute to self-development and the development of the group to which it belongs.
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