The urgency of the problem of proper financial support of agricultural problems is substantiated, the difficulties that arise in lending to agricultural enterprise in Ukraine are noted. The preconditions for the introduction of agricultural receipts in Ukraine, the legal framework for the use of such a tool for financing agricultural production are studied. The experience and results of the use of agricultural receipts by farms in Brazil are analyzed. The conditions and algorithm of registration of agrarian receipts are revealed, the calculation of expenses accompanying registration of this commodity administrative document is resulted. The essence of two types of agricultural receipts is analyzed: commodity and financial, the subjects of the obligation which are applied at each of them are specified. The article emphasizes that although the registration of agricultural receipts provides for the possibility of effective enforcement, it should be remembered that such a receipt is primarily an agreement between the parties, which aims to achieve a mutually beneficial goal, which cannot be achieved without respect for the rights of the other party. commitments. Based on the analysis of world and domestic practice of using agricultural receipts, the most common models of their implementation are generalized: 1) commodity or financial agricultural receipt in cooperation with the supplier of material and technical resources, services, equipment; 2) financial agrarian receipt in cooperation with the bank (plus a loan agreement); 3) financial agrarian receipt in cooperation with the credit union (plus the loan agreement); 4) commodity agricultural receipt in cooperation with a trader or processor (plus a forward contract). An analysis of bills pending in parliament on the functioning and circulation of agricultural receipts has been made. It is concluded that agricultural receipts for domestic agricultural business can be just the tool that will help overcome the systemic crisis in the production and sale of agricultural products, will open new opportunities for industry development.
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