Development of industrial parks moves to a modern quality level and their functioning is one of the instruments that allows starting and developing business using investments efficiently. It is related not only to all modern technical conditions of this area development, but also to the understanding of the fact that the current industrial competition concerns not extensive development, but also modern technologies and new products which will be able to compete appropriately in the global markets. Future recovery of the country’s economy after Russia’s full-scale invasion will need very fast relocation of businesses requiring it, and also location of enterprises of investors both foreign and domestic. In order to realize these plans successfully, we have a short period of time, therefore we should prepare now to implement investment projects as soon as possible. It will give local communities certain advantages, namely, creation of new jobs, a reduction in outflow of working age population, an increase of citizens’ income, payment of property and land taxes. Due to the mechanism of industrial parks, Ukraine has an incredible potential for activating industrial development. This is also a unique opportunity to change main macroeconomic indexes for better: employment, GDP, investments, household income, production and exports etc. In order to do it, we should adopt positive experience of more developed and advanced countries of America, Europe and Asia. The article examines the importance of industrial parks under modern economic conditions. It reveals the issue of creating and organizing activities of industrial parks as an efficient mechanism of attracting investments for economic recovery in a post-war period. It gives an example of creation of new industrial parks in Vinnytsia as a successful example of priority trends in the policies of local economic development. It presents recommendation for implementing industrial parks which will simplify relocation of industrial enterprises and intensify economic recovery after the victory.
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