The article considers the relevance of involved to the enterprise’s logistics activities personnel motivation, which allows to increase productivity and quality of personnel work, improve their satisfaction and reduce personnel turnover at the enterprise. The role of the material component for employee encouragement in the general motivational field has been investigated. The importance of the designing a labor incentive system and the existing situation in payment of labor is analyzed, and the tasks aimed at improving the types and methods of labor motivation are defined. Based on the criteria of "welfare" and "fairness" of active systems, general models of personnel motivation who involved to the enterprise’s logistics activities are proposed, which is fully and comprehensively highlights possible directions of enterprise managers’ activities in this direction. Assuming that the salary fund of personnel who involved to logistics activities is formed in a certain way, approaches to its distribution are proposed: ensuring the maximum possible "well-being" of the least well-off (least prosperous) employee who involved to the logistics activities of the enterprise with given limited resources; ensuring the maximum average level of employee’s "well-being"; ensuring the maximum average level of employee’s well-being assuming that the gap between the most and least well-off employees involved to the company’s logistics activities does not exceed a given value; ensuring the maximum average level of employee’s "well-being" assuming that the probability of a catastrophic event (technological and natural disasters, war, aggression, pandemics, etc.) does not exceed a given value; ensuring the fastest growth of employee’s, who involved to the company’s logistics activities, average "well-being" level; ensuring the fastest growth of the employee’s average "well-being" level with the limited resources, assuming that the rate of "well-being" growth of the most disadvantaged employee is not less than the specified value, and the "well-being" of other employees will not decrease.
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