Keywords: tourism business, tourism, economy, recovery, war


The work reveals the prospects for the post-war restoration of tourism in Ukraine. An analysis of the consequences of the war. The study used general scientific methods and approaches, a systematic approach, general research methods (analysis, synthesis, generalization, comparison), a dialectical method, a method of cognition, a method of objectivity. Aspects of the туристично‐рекреаційного potential of Ukraine are characterized. The objectives of tourism development in the post-war period are given. A scheme for planning the development of tourism potential within the framework of the restoration and development of post-war Ukraine has been proposed. An analysis of the current state of tourism in Ukraine has been carried out and it has been determined that the economy will remain under the influence of this new reality for some time, the development of non-standard types of tourism is a key direction of modernization of the tourism sphere at the present stage. The reality of today is that full-scale hostilities on the territory of Ukraine lead to the restructuring of the entire tourism sector, it is expected that after the end of hostilities there will be new popular tourist destinations. It is proved that in the light of the priority ideological paradigm of sustainable development, shared by the countries of Europe, taking into account the need for maximum activation of resources and efforts to rebuild Ukraine, background of confidence in the near victory it is advisable to pay attention to strategic aspects restoration of tourism potential of Ukraine. The principles of planning the systematic restoration of the tourist – recreational potential of Ukraine are substantiated. Allocated deci perspective ways of development of tourism. An important factor for the development of tourism is the ability of post-war Ukraine to implement a large-scale marketing campaign in foreign markets, which will switch the perception of our country from the place of hostilities to a safe location for travel. Tourism development should be an effective means of diversifying the country's economy, a source of creating additional jobs, full satisfaction of business, as well as socio-cultural and recreational consumer needs of external and domestic tourists.


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How to Cite
Zakharova, T. (2023). DIRECTIONS OF DEVELOPMENT OF TOURIST BUSINESS OF UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (49).