Keywords: marketing, marketing policies of communications, funnel sales, media advertising, digital marketing


Society is constantly evolving thanks to communication. And the development of scientific technologies, undoubtedly, promotes this process. Today's world is the world of innovation and open competition. Therefore, each firm, according to Porter, "should try to put itself in such a situation in which it will probably be perceived and to respond best to the imperatives of competitive advantage [1, p. 36]. In order to achieve such competitive advantages of the enterprise, it is necessary to focus its efforts to improve communications and innovations. This should lead to the formation of functioning in conditions of increased competition, a realistic understanding of the environment and how to improve it. Information and communications play a very important role in the ability and capabilities of the enterprise to introduce innovation and successfully provide competitive answers using proposals for creating value added for its customers. Since communication is so significantly reflected in the ability of the firm to influence itself, its clients, suppliers and related industries, it is time to market communications to update their own theory and increase the level of understanding of their expanded abilities. Thus, today marketing communications understand all means that companies are used to transfer personalized posts about goods, services and trademarks that they sell directly or indirectly, customers with the intention of persuading them to make them make a purchase, improve the perception of the brand, etc. In other words, these are diverse Means used by the company for sharing information about their goods and customer services. However, this was not always. If you go back to history, traditional marketing was more mass communication, not personalized. The enterprises handed their message to a large mass of people, expecting their ideal buyers will find them themselves. From traditional marketing to today, a long way in communicating with targeted buyers, characterized by certain important stages, which prompted communication to evolve. The companies have focusing on the online communication channels and are constantly working to communicate more accurately with the target audience and create marketing communication messages, intended only for targeted clients.


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How to Cite
Ovsiienko, N. (2021). OPTIMIZATION OF MARKETING POLICY IN BRAND COMMUNICATION ACTIVITIES. Economy and Society, (24). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2021-24-47