Forests are a global and vital factor in the whole complex of ecological systems of the Earth, because the importance of the forestry complex for recreation, human health and maintaining natural balance is difficult to overestimate, so the problem of forestry development is gradually becoming a priority in Ukraine. The article analyzes the existing legislative regulation of the forest management system in world practice and separately describes its state in Ukraine. The views of scientists on the content of the main concepts are analyzed and the best approaches to their interpretation are formulated. The economic condition of the forest industry in the system of Ukraine's economy is assessed and the ways to improve the system of management of state forestry enterprises are considered. European experience in forest management shows the need for a clear delineation of the functions of legal support for forest reproduction and use, monitoring and control of forests and direct management of forest reproduction and use. All these allow the adoption of laws that promote sustainable forestry and maximize public welfare, which may be contrary to the private interests of forest owners and the administrative apparatus engaged in forest management. The main way to improve the functioning of the sustainable forest management system and achieve the strategic goal and current objectives is to overcome the inconsistency of actions and conflicts of interest of all stakeholders regarding forest resources. In addition, the priority areas for improving the management system of state forestry enterprises of Ukraine are the following: institutional changes – the choice of organizational management model and the establishment of the distribution of numerous functions; improvement of the financial and economic mechanism of forestry functioning; formation of an appropriate motivational mechanism in state forest management structures; creating conditions for the organization of objective control of compliance with regulations on the use and reproduction of forests.
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