Keywords: metallurgical industry, export, volume of industrial production, production facilities, metallurgical enterprises


The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of the activities of the largest enterprises of the metallurgical industry of Ukraine in modern conditions. The regions of Ukraine where metallurgy prevailed among industrial productions have been identified – these are the Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk, and Zaporizhia regions. The share of the indicated regions in the production and export of metallurgical industry products before the war was determined, as well as the production activity of enterprises in these regions during the war (from February 2022) was outlined. The largest enterprises of the metallurgical industry of Ukraine are indicated. Their type of activity, production capacity and share in the domestic metallurgical industry are indicated. The peculiarities of the activity and the main problems faced by the specified enterprises during the war are determined. The actions of enterprises to preserve their production activity in crisis conditions are outlined. In particular, it was determined that in the Dnipropetrovsk region most enterprises resumed their work after a full-scale military invasion by the end of March, and production activity was restored by only about 30% by the end of the year. Enterprises in the Donetsk region suffered the most - they practically stopped their activities. In the Zaporizhzhia region, factories that have managed to preserve their production facilities are trying to replace the volume of production of products that are in demand on the market. Because of a complex of solutions applied by metallurgical enterprises in the region, already in the first half of the year, deliveries of goods abroad were resumed and export volumes increased by 23.6% compared to the same period in 2021. Despite the difficult conditions of doing business during the war, enterprises of the metallurgical industry find ways to restore their activities. Such as, relocation of production facilities (if it is physically possible to implement it), work with compliance with safety measures, retraining and changes in production methods, increase in production volumes (if it is physically possible to do this), search for new logistics routes, new sales markets, attraction of alternative sources of electricity, creation of new schemes of work (management) and others. Considering the fact that a relatively small number of enterprises were key for the metallurgical industry (the enterprises we studied produced about 40% of the products of the metallurgical industry of Ukraine), the future of the metallurgical industry of Ukraine depends on their further development (restoration).


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How to Cite
Liahovska, O. (2023). FEATURES OF THE LARGEST ENTERPRISES OF THE METALLURGICAL INDUSTRY OF UKRAINE DURING THE WAR. Economy and Society, (47). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2023-47-86