Keywords: capital, capital structure, analysis of capital structure, audit, transport companies


Analysis and audit of the capital structure of transport enterprises in the context of managing the processes of attraction, placement and use of capital in conditions of uncertainty requires high-quality and effective analytical procedures and management decisions. The uncertainty of the enterprise's external environment, the dynamics of changes in the characteristics of capital and its components under the influence of various endogenous and exogenous factors cause significant changes in the activities of enterprises. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the peculiarities of the analysis of the capital structure of transport enterprises and audit to ensure complete and reliable information about the financial condition of the enterprise, its financial stability and prospective solvency. The relative indicators are mainly used To analyze the capital structure of transport enterprises. The set of relative indicators is defined as optimal. There are coefficient of financial stability, coefficient of financial independence (autonomy), coefficient of financial dependence, coefficient of financial risk (leverage), coefficient of long-term debt ratio, coefficient of short-term debt ratio, coefficient of dependence on long-term liabilities, coefficient of of the loan capital structure. Normative values for such capital structure indicators are absent. For transport enterprises, it is advisable to take into account the meaning of the Regulation on determining the amount of credit risk by banks of Ukraine for active banking operations dated 06.30.2016 No. 351. According to data on the capital dynamics of Ukrainian enterprises, it was determined that the value of the debt ratio ranged from 0.65 to 0.75. A low level of variation over the past ten years is inherent in the values of the debt ratio of domestic enterprises. The level of the debt ratio of transport enterprises is at a lower level than the general indicator in the state economy, but the level of variation is three times higher. It is advisable to conduct an audit of the capital structure as a component of the general audit of transport enterprises or separately at the initiative of stakeholders. Conducting an audit of the capital structure can be conditionally divided into several stages.


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How to Cite
Turpak, T., Boiko, N., & Boiko, A. (2023). ANALYSIS AND AUDIT OF CAPITAL STRUCTURE OF TRANSPORT ENTERPRISES. Economy and Society, (47).